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S.O.B of the Day

That's Right, you know what time it is. Ok, maybe you don't. I've never done it before. Anyway, not important.

It's time to announce today's S.O.B. . And it's someone you know. Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for the S.O.B of the Day:

Ned Lamont

That's right you know him well. He's the S.O.B. who beat out Lieberman for the Democratic Connecticut nomination, with a margin of about 4% and is flaunting it as a landslide. He may have rose to fame for you, after Lieberman's running website went down coincidentally on the day of the election. Lamont's was still up running. So, if you went to any political websites for that district yesterday, it was almost surely Lamont's. Lamont's people are also the ones accusing Lieberman of having a $15 a month webhosting plan and saying his "website probably went down because he forgot to pay the bill".

Well that wraps up this segment of the S.O.B. of the Day. Please join us again tomorrow, as we announce the new S.O.B of the Day. Or possibly even later on today, if we have a co-S.O.B. of the Day.