Why the difference?
Go to the website of the Lebanese Embassy in Washinton D.C. and horror greets you. Faces of "innocent Lebanese caught up in the Israeli agression". They show you only how it affects them, and how you should feel bad. I do feel bad for the civilians, but the people there have allowed Hezbollah there, welcomed them with opened arms and though they may or may not be active fighters a majority still support them. They show you nothing of how Israel has been attacked, how it was attacked and had 2 soldiers kidnapped, starting this whole new war. No, only how it affects them. If Hezbollah really had not effect on the Lebanese govt., it would also point out how big of a problem Hezbollah is, and how it would like to get rid of it.
Now, go to the Lebanese Embassy, Canada website and what greets you? A clean cut template, a beautiful picture in the right-hand corner and a box to join their mailing list. Good luck finding even a mention of the Israeli-Lebanon conflict. The news section consists of links to external sites. As a matter of fact, the site still promotes tourism to areas such as Beirut and Tyre.
Oh, now wait, what about the Lebanese Embassy, Australia website. Nope, almost nothing there either. It does mention the 5th anniversary of the launch of the website, however.
Now, go to the Lebanese Embassy, Canada website and what greets you? A clean cut template, a beautiful picture in the right-hand corner and a box to join their mailing list. Good luck finding even a mention of the Israeli-Lebanon conflict. The news section consists of links to external sites. As a matter of fact, the site still promotes tourism to areas such as Beirut and Tyre.
Oh, now wait, what about the Lebanese Embassy, Australia website. Nope, almost nothing there either. It does mention the 5th anniversary of the launch of the website, however.
oh really u r sad u r the killer of kids what about the liar gov u have kids killer maybe usa em show cause usa ppl no nothing about the true story n't like the rest of world
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:17 AM
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Posted by
thepunditblogger |
11:52 AM
First of all, I can tell by your magnificent grammatical and spelling abilities that you are a man or woman of the world and a very knowledgeable person. If you don't mind an uneducated person, like myself, making a few corrections to your A+, evidence laden rebuttal, I would appreciate it.
If you would refer to my article for a moment, you will notice that I stated that "I do feel bad for the. civilians" but also include my opinion that they have, unfortunately, supported Hezbollah for years. I may not be a genius, however it appears to be obvious that if a group isn't supported by a people it can not survive. If no one joins their military or at least very few do, it has very little power. I do hope I did not misunderstand your comment on this point, as it took me about a half an hour to decipher your language. I speak English; what about you?
Secondly, my point in this article was how the embassy website changes from one nation base to another.
Thirdly, and I quote "the liar gov u have". I really hope you don't live in the United States, becuase if you do you are completely oblivious to your surroundings. In the United States, we have 3 main news channels and the freedom of speech and of the media. The news stations are not government run or owned and are not affiliated in anyway with a government agency. Basically, the news stations can report almost anything they wish, from any perspective they wish and decide whose side they take in conflicts. They exercise these rights wildly. If you are looking for a Liberal pro-Lebanon in the conflict view, try CNN. Are you looking for a Conservative, Pro-Israel channel, ok that would be Fox News. How about something in the middle? That's mainly MSNBC.
We in the United States also have ABC news, CBS news, NBC news and then some smaller news channels. We also have C-Span which is basically cameras set up in the House of Representatives and the Senate at all times. So, no matter your perspective, their is a news source for you. We also get news stations from over seas. Censorship is not permitted in the United States.
Fourth, and this is really a minor detail, we are not "usa ppl" we are called Americans. Just like there is the Lebanese and Israelis, we are Americans. We don't call citizens of England "England people" nor do we call citizens of France "France people".
Fifth, we know what being attacked is like. May I remind you that we had almost 3,000 people who were at work and on vacation, killed within a few minutes, on September 11? We also know what giving is like. Within the first few days we had written a $30 million check, to the country our ally is attacking, for humanitarian aid. The United States also single handedly funds 22% of the United Nations, just in required fees. We donate more than that, voluntarily.
Lastly, I have a friend who came over from another country. He was very critical of the United States, saying basically what you are, that we are oblivious and we have a liar government. He was here 2 weeks and his mind set was altered. He couldn't believe how much the media here reported on, regardless of the governments views or statements. He was awe struck that the media is able to investiagate and expose just about anything in the government, and they have. You would be surprised how much Americans know about what is happening in the outside world. We watch stations from a multitude of other nations aside from our own. You just don't here about it. Many countries censor their stations, so news doesn't get to many people.
In conclusion, I hope my unintelligent reply to your, oh so educated comment, doesn't tread on you scholarly opinion. Thank you for your time in reading my response. I wish you a good day.
Posted by
thepunditblogger |
11:57 AM