Resolution 1701 Passed. Will it work?
Well, the UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1701, which calls for an Israeli cease-fire. The Resolution permits an internation force of UP TO 15,ooo troops to assist the Lebanes military, to attempt to take control away from Hezbollah. It also requires Israel to withdraw from Southern Lebanon. It calls for the need for an "unconditional release" of the two Israeli soldiers captured on July 12, however does not make a direct demand for their freedom. 1701 does not state under which chapter of UN policy the force will be deployed on. The UN force, known as UNIFIL will be in charge of enforcing the cease-fire. Please note the UNIFIL flag flying under the Hezbollah flag, at left.
So the question appears to be, will this surrender, sorry, resolution work? A similar resolution was passed years ago, 1559. Under it, Hezbollah was supposed to be disarmed. Obviously, they never were. With word of the passing flowing around the net, people are already skeptical about it, and saying that Olmert has failed Israel and the United States. So, do you think this will work? It will remain to be seen.
So the question appears to be, will this surrender, sorry, resolution work? A similar resolution was passed years ago, 1559. Under it, Hezbollah was supposed to be disarmed. Obviously, they never were. With word of the passing flowing around the net, people are already skeptical about it, and saying that Olmert has failed Israel and the United States. So, do you think this will work? It will remain to be seen.