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Time to Stand Up For Israel

Israelis are once again getting attacked by the media, being considered the "big bad guys" for fighting back against terrorist attacks against its country. In the style of Gordon Sinclair, I say, This American thinks its time to stand up for the Israelis, as possibly our strongest ally and a country defending itself.

The Liberal Media does nothing all day long now, but attack Israel and President Bush. Israel is made out to be the big bad guy, no matter where you look. When Hezbollah shoots missiles at Israel, the headline reads something like "Hezbollah Rockets Fall On (Enter City Name Here), Casualty Rate Not Expected to be High". If Israeli missiles hit Lebanon, its something along the lines of "Israeli Missiles Strike Lebanon, Killing (some number) and wounding (some number). It was only this week, that it was discovered by a blogger that a major news organization, to remain nameless, printed manipulated images by a Lebanese photographer, attempting to make the damage by the Israelis, look worse. Did that major organization apologize for trying to pull one over the publics' eyes? No, it gave excuses and fired the photographer.

Most People in Lebanon, never consider the fact that Hezbollah attacked Israel and kidnapped 2 soldiers starting this conflict. They never think of the fact that Hezbollah is using them as human shields. It never crosses their minds. They simply pledge their loyalty to the same organization responsible for their deaths. Then, they call out on Liberal cameras about how their are innocent civilians getting bombed. Really? You mean like what happened to Israel?

The mainstream media, is also stupid enough to believe these Hezbollah terrorists. They take terrorists' words as a legal binding contract. They talk about how Hezbollah promises to withdraw or stop the attacks, if Israel does. Umm, morons, THEY ARE TERRORISTS! They attacked and kidnapped two of Israel's soldiers on Israeli soil. They aren't honest. Some Americans believe them too. Many people can only see one side, the Lebanese. They can't see the Israeli side, and never will. Just remember one thing, Israel isn't the one saying "Death to America", Hezbollah and Lebanon is. I am one American, who is proud to say "I support Israel" and I don't give a damn if anyone doesn't like it.

My Blog Remembers Peter A. Chirchirillo, age 47.
While I Never Knew Him Personally,
I Will Never Forget Him.

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